Monday, May 4, 2009

Doing it right the first time

If you have ever studied the findings of the sinking of the Titanic, you will find that one of the reasons that the Titanic hit the iceberg was that the captain of the ship inadvertently handicapped the turning ability of the ship.

The Titanic had triple-screw engine configuration, with reciprocating steam engines driving the wing propellers, and a steam turbine driving her centre propeller. The reciprocating engines were reversible, while the turbine was not. When the Captain gave the order to reverse engines to avoid the iceberg, he inadvertently handicapped the turning ability of the ship. Since the centre turbine could not reverse during the "full speed astern" maneuver, it simply stopped turning. Furthermore, the centre propeller was positioned forward of the ship's rudder, diminishing the turning effectiveness of the rudder.

Had the Captain reversed the port engine, and reduced speed while maintaining the forward motion of the other two propellers (as recommended in the training procedures for this type of ship); experts theorize that the Titanic might have been able to navigate around the berg without a collision. Simply put, if the Captain would have taken just an extra couple of seconds to think things through, he could have avoided the iceberg.

So many times in life, we make a decision that leads us straight into an iceberg. Instead of taking second to think about the implications, we move forward. Then when we see the crash coming, we simply try to do a “full speed astern” maneuver, (which means to fully reverse course (engines), and we still crash into our “icebergs.”

Proverbs 16:9 says, “The mind of a man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” (NASB) I love the way that the Message Version reads: “We plan the way we want to live, but only God makes us able to live it!”

Another Proverb, 3:5-6 says “Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”

How stupid can we be! God gives us the map of the oceans. He lays out our course and guides us day by day in life. Even when we get off course, he will lead us back to calmer waters.

You know, our road map of life is like a time line. God doesn’t have our road map of life looking like the road map of downtown Boston. It’s a straight line. Gods’ initial plan for us was that we were to be born, mind our parents, be perfect little children, be perfect teens and then go to school and seek Gods will for our lives. We were to be eager to learn more and more about him and to serve him all the days of our lives. We were to be in one accord with Him.

Take your local Pastor for example. I would assume that he was to be born, get saved at an early age. Then he was to go to seminary and become a Pastor. He was to come to your church, serve for 32 years and retire and live happily ever after until he goes home to glory. He was to be a perfect man. He wasn’t supposed to make any mistakes, never sin, and always have his suit and tie on and never hair out of place. Now, ask him. Was that the way it happened? NOT! He was born, grew up. Went to church, but cut up and played around. Probably drove his parents crazy! Some probably strayed from the Lord in their teenage years. Then, one day, he found God’s will in his life and went into the ministry. Now, some probably don’t have a hair out of place, and some probably don’t even have hair!! Some never seem to get real mad, but they are still not perfect. He, just like everyone else, sins.

Listen to what I’m saying here. WE DRAW the curves, cultic-sacs, dead end streets, and detours in our road maps of life. God, again, has the race he wants us to run, already marked out for us! All we have to do is look to him for the directions.

One of my favorite verses that you will hear me quote a lot is “Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus…” Hebrews 12:2(A). If you do that, you will never run into the iceberg.

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