Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Son Proud Of His Father

On July 8, 2002, I wrote my Dad a poem for his birthday. Most of it, some of you won't understand. Some, you will. I hope that you enjoy it.

A Son Proud of His Father

As a little boy, I remember you joking with me about your finger.
Telling me, if I don’t keep my finger out of my nose,
A booger will have it for dinner.

I remember the baseball games, where we had so much fun.
Being called “tobacco boy,” being a ball boy,
And watching Cal Ripkin, JR. play out in the sun.

I remember going to work with you at the old age of eight.
Sitting in paint buckets and you laughing at me
Until your entire body ached.

I remember taking trips to Raleigh, Virginia and to the Zoo.
Crawling up in your arms at Chimney Rock.
You pretending to throw me down and make me a pile of goo!

I remember our trip to Italy, Germany, Austria and France.
Amsterdam, England, Switzerland
Put us both in a trance!

I remember our Trip to New York City where we had a ball.
Even at the World Trade Centers,
Where you took your big fall.

I remember the dark times, when you were told that you were sick.
How my heart broke, split and cracked,
When I was told the Months you had left were only six.

I remember the day that you ask Jesus into your heart.
Giving him all that you are, your soul.
And you said that you would never part.

I remember the joy and pride in your eyes,
When my beautiful bride walked down the isle.
You were my best man, right by my side.

There are so many thing that I can remember, say and do.
But the most important one is,
How I’m so proud of you.

I’m proud of the fact that you are saved by Gods Grace.
Each time I see you in Church,
I can see it on your face.

I’m proud of the way you’re handling your life.
Living it to the fullest,
With my Mother, and your wife.

I’m proud of the way that you’ve let your sister go.
Knowing that one day, you’ll see her again
In Heaven, I know.

I know that it’s supposed to be that a Father is proud of his Son.
But on this occasion, it’s with pride and joy that I say,
Dad, I’m proud of YOU, and most of all, I’m proud to be your son.

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